PopCult: The Obsessive Journal of Quality Pop Culture

A trip to Dinosaur Land, circa 1970s

When it comes to dinosaurial vacation getaways, you can keep your Jurassic Parks. Give me the original: Dinosaur Land! Located at “the intersection of 277, 522, and 340 between Winchester and Front Royal, Virginia,” Dinosaur Land offers around 40 life-size reproductions of fiercesome reptilis. Even more exciting are the postcards issued by the park’s owner, who used his ’70s-garb-wearing daughters as models. You can still visit this classic roadside attraction, though the dinosaurs appear to be a bit more life-like: dinosaurland.com.

Coury Turczyn

Coury Turczyn is a concerned consumer of popular culture. Got an interesting story idea or an amazing financial opportunity to share? Contact him at coury@popcultmag.com.

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